Wednesday, March 6, 2013

21st century love!

Tia is eating pizza precisely...have seen lot of advertisements about the same, felt like trying it today..all thanks to Bangalore weather, is back to what it used to be! gloomy, windy, romantic! the slices remind her of him...he loved them, the only thing as remotely as fast food he liked was pizza! it is almost going to be two months she didn't spoke to him, someone who meant her to be the world sometime back.

Tia never understood MEN and LOVE.

To her, love as someone said, is beyond any boundaries, nationality, caste and uff "what not"(and yes money in today's world)! all those Shakespeare books and stories she grew up reading, made her believe that true love is eternal and blissful!
Little did she realize, its 21st century already baby! the rules are changed, and now its more of a game of countless calculations. the one who displays emotion first, gets treated like a dog and a collar.
Money, "oh yes" is very important, the gifts, flowers,chocolates,shopping etc.  can make or break a relationship. Valentines day is the perfect time, when a smart businessman becomes crorepati and as they say celebrating this day without gifts is equal to committing a horrendous crime! Poor men and their pocket!

Men, on the other hand, are equally complicated! why cant they have the guts to open there mouth! its nothing remotely manly in playing with the emotion of a girl, you like them, say yes, you don't say no! simple.
Why cant you express yourself?! why does it takes almost a century for you to decide what you actually want and then take a 360 degree turn? you like fooling around with a girl and then freeze in your pants in the name of "LOVE". why cant you be honest to yourself and the other person?! it saves you from a major mess! and the best excuse "My parents will not agree with my choice"!
Full stop!

Amiss all this hopahoop, Tia just realize  the pizza is yummy and delicious! something she never tried before, is going to make herself a cup of coffee and is back to her new job, as an interior designer, and the guy whose house she designing next, is drop dead gorgeous! glee glee!! she is picking up the pieces again, is getting back to normal, trying to breathe in the new life and yes, she still believe that there is some idiot, somewhere made for her, who proves her wrong! and the Shakespeare "ian" theory right!


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